Logic compatible embedded DRAM
Embedded DRAM technologies integrate DRAM memory cells and high-performance logic circuits on the same IC. Conventional DRAM relies on low-leakage, high-voltage transistors, whereas high-performance logic circuits use high-leakage, low-voltage transistors. Traditional embedded DRAM technologies combine both types of circuits on a single IC, resulting in complex manufacturing processes that typically require more than six additional masks compared to standard logic technologies.
UniRAM’s embedded DRAM technologies take a novel approach. By employing proprietary “small block architectures” that shorten bit lines, UniRAM enables DRAM memory cells to function with high-leakage transistors. This innovation allows embedded DRAM to be manufactured using standard logic technologies with little or no changes in the manufacturing process.
UniRAM has developed a series of IPs to support logic-compatible embedded DRAM, including:
Design architectures that shorten bit lines while minimizing area penalties.
Memory cells built using logic technologies with minimal or no process changes.
Circuits designed to improve yield and reliability for logic compatible embedded DRAM.
Methods to avoid the effects of gate leakage current in nanometer-scale technologies.